Saturday 3 January 2015

Fragrance: Mind and Body connection

One of the most important thing that one should follow before following anything else for living a Better Life is: To de-clutter your surroundings.

Once the most important rule is followed then we can easily move ahead.

How do fragrances affect our day to day 
lives? Why perfumes are so "In"?

It's because they top the list of having 'positive effects on mood, sleep, stress, and even relationships".
Fragrances are also linked to our memories and can remind us of some past events associated with that particular fragrance. They have a great sense of Mind and Body connection and can even act as a healing ingredient in the beautiful dish called "Life".
If we talk in technical terms, scents trigger the area of brain called, "Limbic System" - the most primitive part of the brain which is also a throne of our Emotions.
In simple terms let's see the Flow Chart:

Scent reaches our nose ------> Odor molecule make their way up the nose ------> Molecules are trapped by Olfactory membrane which is protected by the lining inside the nose ------> receptor cell sites tries to solve this puzzle of scent(Oh what this smell is??) ------> This triggers stimulation of odor molecules with then triggers electric impulse to the Olfactory bulb in the brain ------> It lights up (Oh got it!!!!)
This olfactory bulb illuminates the area called gustatory center (taste sensation is perceived here), the amygdala (where emotional memories are stored) and other part of the limbic system which is also connected to the part of the brain that controls heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, stress level and hormone balance.

Our sense of smell is only one of the five senses which is directly connected to Limbic System in the brain. In short, we can imagine how much beneficial fragrances can be.

Have a fragranceful day!!!!

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